Rectal prolapse occurs when a portion or all of the rectum's wall slips out of position, protruding into the anus. Rectal prolapse may be classified into three categories.
Prolapse in part (also called mucosal prolapse). The rectum's lining (mucous membrane) slips out of position and typically protrudes into the anus. When you struggle to have a bowel movement, this may happen. Children under the age of two are more likely to have partial prolapse.
The whole rectum wall slips out of position and typically protrudes into the anus. This may only happen with bowel motions at first. It may eventually happen when you stand or walk. In rare instances, the prolapsed tissue may stay outside your body for an extended period of time. Prolapse rectum treatment by Herbal medicine helps cure the trouble.

Prolapse of the internal organs (intussusception). Like the folding pieces of a toy telescope, one section of the large intestine (colon) or rectum may glide into or over another. The rectum is not visible via the anus. (An illustration of intussusception may be seen here.) Adults are seldom affected by intussusception, which is most prevalent in youngsters. In most cases, the reason is unknown in youngsters. It's typically linked to another intestinal condition in adults, such as tissue development in the intestines' walls (such as a polyp or tumor).
A portion of the large intestine descends from its usual position in severe instances of rectal prolapse when the tissues that keep it in place strain. Where the rectum starts, there is usually a steep