The most common reason of rectal prolapse is vaginal childbirth. This is principally factual for females who have had more than one baby delivered via the vagina. The widening and pressure during childbirth deteriorates the female pelvic structure. Other health disorders that can make rectal prolapse more prospective consist of:

· Long-standing bowel complications like constipation and straining during bowel movements or diarrhea
· Complications in the pelvic region, including feeble muscles, a past of pelvic surgery or weakness because of age
· Malnourishment
· Physical developmental glitches
· Cystic fibrosis - a kid who has rectal prolapse should be tested for cystic fibrosis
The key symptom is bright red tissue stabbing out of the anus. The tissue may have mucus or blood on it. Medicine for Rectal prolapse is not generally hurting but can be uncomfortable. In maximum circumstances, the prolapse ensues after a bowel movement. The tissue may stay outside the anus or it might move back inside the body by itself. Other symptoms embrace:
· Leak of mucous or blood from the anus
· Problem starting a bowel movement (BM)
· Feeling like you have not evacuated your bowels after a BM or having small BMs
· A feeling of filled bowels and an urgent requirement to have a bowel movement
· Leaky solid or liquid bowel movements (named fecal incontinence)
· Anal itching, irritation, bleeding or discomfort
You should seek medical attention if the tissue is outside the anus and you are not able to shove it back inside with your finger. You should also seek medical attention if there is bleeding from the area.