A rectal prolapse occurs when the rectum, part of the large intestine, slides out of the anus. It is caused by the failure of the muscles that hold it in place. This can appear similar to, or be mistaken for, a haemorrhoid. However, rectal prolapse does not disappear on its own and requires medical intervention in the form of surgery or medicine for rectal prolapse might be needed.
Overview of Rectal Prolapsed

The rectum, the final part of the large intestine before the anus, is where stool is stored for excretion. When the stool reaches the rectum, nerves in the area signal the need to defecate and a series of muscles push the stool out through the anus. With rectal prolapse, however, the rectum itself slips out of its normal position and, in severe cases, can even protrude out the other side of the anus.
Healthcare providers use the term "prolapse" to describe when a body part has slipped or moved out of its normal position. This can happen when the muscles that support the area have weakened or deteriorated, which is a common occurrence with ageing. However, if the muscles become more strained, it can cause the prolapse to occur more quickly.
Herbal or Ayurvedic Treatment to Treat Rectal Prolapsed
Acharya Susruta, in the chapter on minor diseases, details Guda Bhramsa (Rectal prolapse) in Ayurveda and gives an appealing description of its traditional management.
A woman with incomplete rectal prolapse was safely cured using Kshara application, showing that this can be a risk-free and effective alternative for the treatment and medicine for rectal prolapse.